Home / Hardware and gadgets / Building a Custom Gaming Keyboard with Programmable Macros Using Arduino

Building a Custom Gaming Keyboard with Programmable Macros Using Arduino


Gaming keyboards with customizable macros have become a popular tool for gamers, as they allow automating repetitive actions and speeding up gameplay. In this article, we’ll explore how to create your own smart gaming keyboard using Arduino to optimize your gaming sessions.

Required Components

  • Arduino Uno or Arduino Leonardo
  • Button matrix (e.g., 4×4)
  • Jumper wires
  • USB cable for connecting Arduino to your computer
  • Pull-up resistors (10kΩ)

Connecting the Components

  1. Connect the button matrix to Arduino: connect the matrix columns to analog inputs A0-A3, and the rows to digital inputs 2-5.
  2. For each column, connect a pull-up resistor (10kΩ) between the analog input and ground.

Programming the Arduino

  1. Load the “Keyboard” library for Arduino Leonardo or the “HID” library for Arduino Uno.
  2. Use the “begin” function to initialize the keyboard.
  3. Define a function to read the button matrix state.
  4. Set up macros: for each button, define the sequence of keys to be pressed and released.
  5. In the main loop of the program, call the function to read the button states and then check which buttons have been pressed. If a button with a macro has been pressed, perform the corresponding sequence of actions using the “press” and “release” functions.

Testing and Adjustment

  1. Connect Arduino to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Upload the program to Arduino.
  3. Open a text editor or game where you want to use the macros.
  4. Test the operation of each button and, if necessary, adjust the macro settings in the program.


Building a smart gaming keyboard with customizable macros based on Arduino can be a great project for gamers looking to improve their gaming experience and learn how to work with microcontrollers. This project can be adapted and expanded according to the individual preferences and needs of the player. Various keyboard improvements and modifications are possible, such as adding backlighting, using touch buttons, or integrating additional features like multimedia keys or an analog joystick.

Moreover, creating a unique keyboard can be an excellent way for gamers to share their experience and skills with the community, giving others the opportunity to learn and use their own projects.

So, start building your smart gaming keyboard based on Arduino and discover new horizons in the world of gaming!

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