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Machine Vision Technologies: How Computers Learn to See

Machine Vision Technologies

In our era, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being integrated into various aspects of life. Machine vision is one of the most appealing and significant directions in this sector. But what exactly is it, and how does it work?

What is Machine Vision?

Machine vision is a field of science and technology that focuses on the development and research of methods and systems that enable computers to “see” and analyze the surrounding world. The foundation of this process is the analysis of images and video, which allows computers to identify objects, their position, and movement.

How Does Machine Vision Work?

The process of machine vision consists of several stages. First, image acquisition occurs – this could be a photograph, a video clip, or an image obtained from special sensors such as an infrared camera. Next, the image is preprocessed: quality is improved, noise is removed, lighting is corrected, and so forth. Then, at the segmentation stage, the image is divided into individual objects, which are further analyzed and classified.

Why is Machine Vision Important?

Machine vision allows for the automation of many processes that previously required human involvement. For instance, machine vision systems are used for quality control in manufacturing, in security systems, in medical diagnostics, in autonomous vehicles, and even in agriculture to monitor the condition of plants.


Machine vision technologies continue to evolve, opening up new possibilities for automation and improvement of various processes. Today, computers do not simply “see” – they “understand” what they see, and this is changing the world around us.

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